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Your Dream Starts Here

Los Angeles Cinematography Awards
LACA Film Festival is part of the:

An association of film festivals which highlight excellence in cinematography.

Screening in DOLBY – Hollywood
Official Qualifier To:

Cinematography AWARDS officially called the “Golden Eagle” is an award in the form of a statuette for outstanding achievements in the field of cinematography.
Mabel (United States)
DIRECTOR: Kimberley Wintle
PRODUCER: Kimberley Wintle
DOP: Joel Marsh
About the Film:
Emerging from great loss, quirky Mabel finds a life affirming connection in a kind, attentive barista, but is the time right?
Mabel, 30-something writer, whose only friends are her tortoise Piña, the memory of her best friend Joan, and charming barista, Jack, at her local café. With a little encouragement, she plucks up the courage to ask Jack out, but it may not be the best time.
All Winners of the Categories:
The Best Picture of the Month has the Official Selection to Golden Eagles AWARDS and guaranteed screening in DOLBY Los Angeles. Rest films for the live screening jury will select from all Winners during a year. We will present the full list of selected films until the Notification Date.
Los Angeles 2020
Los Angeles Cinematography AWARDS Film Festival is part of the:
Cinematography Awards Foundation: